Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Singapore govt to spend S$700m more on pro-family measures

An additional S$700 million a year on measures to boost its flagging birth rate. Currently, the government spends about S$900 million a year.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in his National Day Rally speech on Sunday night that a baby brings much joy, but can also be a logistic and financial challenge
A slew of measures will be implemented by the government to create more time and more funds to help parents cope with their children.

Paid maternity leave will be extended from 12 weeks to 16 weeks, and the extra four weeks can be taken anytime during the baby's first year.

It was previously extended from eight to 12 weeks in 2004.

There will also be a larger baby bonus for first-time parents, more tax incentives to encourage mothers to work, more incentives for the fifth and subsequent children.

Emphasising that parenting is a job for both parents has influenced some policy changes which he hopes will help to shift attitudes. Childcare leave, which can be claimed by either parent, will be extended from two to six days per year.

There will also be one week of unpaid infant-care leave per year, and mums or dads can claim it until their child turns two years old.

With the addational measures coming up to boast the birth rates, hope that more Singaporeans couple will keep it going.. More babies more babies....

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